Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer 2008 Timeline

June 3: Take unbelievably anticlimactic last final exam.
June 4-8: Pack up apartment, tearful goodbyes.
June 8: 10-hour drive to PA with the family.
June 9: Eat cheesesteaks, watch MTV.
June 10: Train to NYC, get into new apartment in Bed-Stuy at 11 PM.
June 11: First day of work.
June 12-July 3: Work full-time, though mostly from my own bed.
July 4-6: Celebrate America's birthday by watching acquaintances from high school play beer pong. Feel less than thrilled about the Land of the Free.
July 7: Mugged. Sucks.
July 11: Move from serious ghetto Bed-Stuy to serious yuppie Brooklyn Heights.
Photographic evidence: