Okay well it's Monday night, and seriously I'm too exhausted to write a real entry. If you include transportation, and I do, I work from 12:30 to midnight. It's pretty hard work, really. I'm walking around, knocking on people's doors, for about five hours a day in steaming hot weather, and I'm feeling beat up by the end. Anyway, here are some hints I've learned to tell Democrats from Republicans just by the outside of their houses.
Mezuzah or anything indicating that JEWS BE INSIDE!
Unkempt lawn (I've been told this only works in the rich-ass suburbs where there's no conservative white trash)
Non-bred animals (mutt dogs, for instance)
Hybrid car
Inhabitants prone to verbose abuse
Pineapple flags, doormats, or wall hangings. No clue why, but this one's just about 100%. Pineapple doormats? What is this shit?
Sterile-type front lawn (perfectly sheared grass of a delicate emerald shade, few large shrubs or plants)
Lawn gnomes
Highly polite inhabitants
Also, sorry to disappoint if anybody thought I was doing anything exciting, important, or honestly all that interesting this summer. This job doesn't give me the opportunity to break into carefully-crafted monologues on justice and peace and freedom and AMERICA! Nor do I get to make any decisions about anything, or have any real impact on the American political system. I do talk about politics for eight hours a day, although not from a perspective all that different from what I had before this job. Canvassing works just about the way I thought it would, really, and the DNC isn't anything surprising, although it is way bigger than I expected. I found that if you think Bush-bashing is as embarassing and sort of dangerous as I do, you'll be far in the minority among DNCers. I found that there are a surprising amount of dudebrahs working for the DNC, and few hipsterfags. I found that I am not the only employee of the DNC who is not a registered member of the party, not by a long shot. I found that Republicans are by the by much nicer than Democrats, even when dealing with somebody who just told them "Our country can't handle eight more years of failed leadership and failed policies" before realizing they've got a fucking pineapple flag. And mostly, I found that full-time work is very little fun. I'm falling behind on my internet knowledge, it's depressing.
Also Philly maybe is kind of cool. And even pretty in parts.
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I think my one and only experience as a convention delegate to the Democratic convention made me bow forever out of Democratic politics. I think. But, canvassing sounds interesting enough, and if you're making money out of it, that's even better. Interesting that they let you work for them as a non-democrat - I found out that you are disqualified as a convention delegate if you, ever at any point in your life, publicly endorsed a non-Democrat for office.
did you know that the pineapple is an international symbol for "welcome"? let's deal some drugs. Matt F.
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