Monday, January 2, 2012

Places I Have Found Strands of My Roommate's Hair

My otherwise lovely roommate Lisa has long and lustrous hair, which either 1. has a mind of its own and travels of its own volition or 2. is strategically placed by Lisa in curious places around our apartment as part of some long-term prank I don't yet understand. Anyway I started keeping track of places in which I have found Lisa's hair (which is unmistakeable; it's long and straight and black, and mine is short and thin and brown, and our other roommate's is Pantone Color F23891 (Conan O'Brien Red)). I don't even really mind it; I'm not grossed out because I know Lisa, and I know she washes her hair even if sometimes it's with a substance known as "dry shampoo" which sounds chemically impossible, and, I don't know, I'm just not grossed out. So it becomes more of a game of "in which part of my bedroom which Lisa has almost certainly never visited will I next find some long black hair?" Here are some places it's already turned up:

1. Wrapped around the left arm of the glasses I am currently wearing.
2. In the toe of a pair of shoes I haven't worn for six months.
3. In the corner of my room next to my desk where I typically keep broken-down Amazon boxes which will be recycled "soon, probably."
4. In the bottom of my laundry basket.
5. Stuck in the incompetent gears of my Roomba.
6. In the smallest pocket of the backpack I use alternately for trips to Trader Joe's and the gym. Mostly Trader Joe's.
7. In the front right corner of my bathroom. I have my own bathroom, which Lisa does not use probably for her own safety. I would estimate the number of times per year she has been in my bathroom at under three.
8. In my sock drawer.
9. In the folded-up cuff of my knit winter cap.
10. In the (closed) storage area of my bedside table in which I keep condoms and micro-USB cables, for the ladies.

I will update this post as I find more examples. Or perhaps this will become a much-loved recurring column, and I can do future articles based on different rooms. This one was limited to my bedroom!

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